in riva al lago

Reflections of the Adda

The river Adda, animated by numerous human settlements, is an inexhaustible source of inspiration. Its very expressive reflexes have given the cue to consider these shots more as artistic works than as photos.

The selection presents a series of images that artistically interpret the reflections without having been manipulated. I didn't want to follow a single style or a homogeneous visual aspect. The effort focused on maintaining a consistent attitude in the approach and identification of the works.

Dancers in Red

The shots with the artwork inside

The "Riflessi dell'Adda" series was based on the "Movimento quadrato" shot. That image led me to look at the Adda from a different perspective; I felt I could interpret the river in an unconventional way. In fact, that image made me understand that the Adda is a formidable source of expression and pushed me to continue this research trying to extend this theme with other shots.
I limited myself to shooting images that emanated a strong expressive component, without adding fliters, manipulations or color interpretation, but only improving brightness, contrast and saturation. In this series is determined the photographic ability that manages to capture images with their artistic potential.

On the whole, I did not want to maintain a homogeneous and unitary aspect, I was not interested in representing the works with a single style. Consistency is found in the process that has allowed each shot to be interpreted as an artistic work. Each image was taken thinking about its pictorial potential, that is, the ability of the shot to be more a painting than a photograph.

I didn’t care what style of painting he was able to reproduce, all I needed was for him to be able to paint or to express himself as a painter. For this reason, images coexist seemingly without visual references in common. Some works make you think of impressionism, others look like watercolors, other abstract paintings. It’s as if I had given my SLR the order to express itself in many ways, but it had to choose a different painter behind each shot.

All the works are available on A3+
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Connect to the following link to see a serie of fine art photos: Riflessi dell'Adda and Scatti come dipinti