I am a graphic designer.
I attended a five year formation
at the "Schule für Gestaltung"

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in Bern (Switzerland).
There I followed illustration
courses during four years.
From this institution I've got
the " Diplôme Fédéral Suisse
de Graphic Designer" in 1987.

Starting in May
of the same year, I joined
the working world,
where my first experiences
were as graphic designer
and art- director with various
advertising agencies like
Heinz Heimann Unicom
at Geneva.

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Since1993, I have developed
know-how in product-
and brand-image, working
with Giò Rossi Associati, with Design Group Italia,
Milano, and with various
other collaborators.
So I hat the opportunity
to perfect myself
in matters of
product design,
working on worldwide
known products.


Since 1996, I have planed
packaging and graphic design
for my own clients
(Icam, Galbusera, Centrone).

I propose myself as a
graphic designer
specialised in matters of
packaging design.
In addition, I planned and realized
illustrations (for novels, comercials brochures,
annual reports, comic strips).
Look at some of them
and if you are interested
to know my painting
skills, visit and enjoy
the small artisitc
I prepared for you.

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Have a good trip.
Virtual greetings.

Toni Traglia

home page

Toni Traglia
Piazza Libertà 3
I - 24040 Canonica d'Adda (BG)
Tel / Fax: 0039 / 2 / 9094153
E-mail: tonival@tiscalinet.it