
Brand e packaging design Caffé Italiano.
Italianity will be the dressing theme of this new range of products mainly aimed at foreign markets. The study of this project involved the design of a corporate identity, applied to a wide range of different types of products and communication media. The “Italy of flavors” that recovers its cultural, social and environmental heritage and pours it visually as a testimony to the originality of these chocolates. We did not want to stereotypes ways to symbolize Italianness: no Colosseum, Tower of Pisa or Rialto, but rather a modern attitude, very experienced and appreciated, as that of the coffee break at the bar.

A sober, elegant but very characteristic graphic system can replace the identifying role of the brand. Indeed, on this range there is not one single definition for the brand, but every type of chocolate takes on a specific name. “Caffè Italiano” can therefore become “Praliné Italiano” or “Giardino Italiano”. However, each definition maintains the same visual characteristics supporting the brand identity.
By contrast, the graphic-typographic system inside the black panel never changes and acts as a unique and distinguishable code of the range. In fact, the versatility of this system makes it possible to differentiate a future extension of the range using different line names that will replace “Caffé Italiano” by adding the representation of the respective chocolates. The images of these products will be inserted consistently with the previous alignment of the black box.

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